Någon har vaknat, vi kan hoppas att det blir fler... Konsumentmakten är stor, underskatta inte den. Fick tipset om denna artikel av en kompis - tack Mikael A. Det finns kanske hopp trots allt och därför är det viktigt att inte kriminalisera något osm troligen kommer att lösa sig ändå. Världen står inte stilla.
"We used to fool ourselves,' he said. "We used to think our content was perfect just exactly as it was. We expected our business would remain blissfully unaffected even as the world of interactivity, constant connection and file sharing was exploding. And of course we were wrong. How were we wrong? By standing still or moving at a glacial pace, we inadvertently went to war with consumers by denying them what they wanted and could otherwise find and as a result of course, consumers won."
(Computer Sweden)
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