måndag 23 februari 2009

Gunnar Hökmark startar korståg mot protektionismen...

Europaparlamentarikern Gunnar Hökmark tar nappatag mot protektionismen och arbetar för ett öppnare samhälle. Följ med honom på Facebook.

"Today I start The Crusade Against Protectionism. It's a specter we can see emerging all over Europe. People are talking about closing the borders leaving benefits to the citizens of their own country but at the same time disadvantaging everyone else. This is a dangerous development.

It is dangerous for our economy. Because less imports always leads to less exports for all of us. Less trade leads to less growth and jobs. I want to fight that!

And I want you to enroll in the fight against protectionism. I hope you would like to sign on and come on in the crusade against protectionism for an open Europe for more jobs, more prosperity and more opportunities for all of us.

Please join me!" /Gunnar Hökmark

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2 kommentarer:

Allt om Alliansen sa...

Strålande! Han får mitt kryss!

Anonym sa...

Pst... Gunnar. Apple ringde, de vill ha tillbaka sin bakgrund.
Förlåt, jag kunde inte hålla mig.